Thursday, December 11, 2014

Something amazing just happened!..

I am SOOOOO excited!! The news called and wanted to interview me!

I was so nervous that for check I forgot my name! I was so embarassed I thought that would go on the news! In so glad it didn't.

What I  so thankful for is that there are all these people I just don't know and they care as much about these kids as me, TOTAL STRANGERS are donating after this news story!!

I got a 20$, 25$, 30$, 50$, donation!!!!!

AND at least 5 people have contacted wanting to know where to donate! I can't wait till they do!! Maybe. I will get MORE than 100 bags to pass out!!

I promise to keep you updated!!

Here is the news story incase you missed it.

Thank you for your prayers and help!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

This post is slow..

to come because things have been a little slow coming in lately.  I was hoping for more, but you know what??  I don't care!

I am EXCITED to give the items I DO have because it means THAT MANY more kids won't have to freeze this winter.  I know it is hard to imagine them freezing because it has been so nice, but think about it.  Don't you remember those days when it was like 10?  You had a coat and boots, you were warm.  Well there are children going to school on those days who wear just a sweater or a spring like  coat because that is all they have.

I am so excited to go deliver what I get in two weeks.

SOOOOOO you have two weeks!  PLEASE if you haven't done so, go through your kids stuff and see if there is anything all have grown out of and consider donating them to me.

I have received a few really great donations though.

Mrs. Gloria, a friend of my mommy's friend, she sent me a really exciting package!!  Gloves and SUPER cute warm hats!  See??

And a few other items to add to my bags as well.  Thank you SO much for helping, caring.

I also got a few other wonderful neighbor donations.  One lady, she came before, but I got to quick meet her this time, she found a few more hats and gave me $10!!!!

 I can't WAIT to go shopping!!  My mom got a coupon for Kid to Kid so I can maybe find some deals!  Also going to go to other second hand places, like Goodwill or Savers!!

Thank you for praying for my project, but please also pray for the children that I will be giving these items to.

Thank you!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Imagine your toes so cold, it hurt SO much to walk......

BOOTS!!   I need boots!
I still need everything, but boots are what I now have the least of.

However as I was thinking of writing this I got a PACKAGE on my DOORSTEP from Walmart......I can't even tell you HOW EXCITED I was to read the note that said, "Thank you Simply 7 for keeping childrens feet warm"

And there were FOUR BRAND NEW pair of boots in it!!  No idea who sent it but THAN K YOU!!

And then I got a bag from two different friends at school with warm coats in it!  Four of them.

Another neighbor put a surprise in my box, two more warm coats and some gloves, the real warm kind!!

And another neighbor friend who had already donated told my mom she couldn't pass up a deal at walmart on some hats!!  So she brough me some more!!

And lastly another neighbor dropped off a boys coat and some nija gloves and warm gloves.  It looks SOOOOO warm!!!!!  

THANK YOU ALL so much!!!!!!!!

But now the hard part...........I am stretching my goal out into december because I want SO BADLY to reach it to make 100 KIDS WARM!!  But I have too far to go and need more help if I am going to be able to do this!!

I currently have 

25 coats
20 boots
35 hats
56 gloves

PLEASE I ask you if you know anyone that is heading to a second hand store to give their winter stuff away encourage them my way!!

But even if I dont make the goal I am SO proud of myself because I know if I help even ONE kid, THAT kid matters!!


Monday, November 17, 2014

Thank YOU City Church!!

WOW!  I bet you can imagine my face as I walked into City Kids at my church and I looked to the side and noticed several garbage BAGS FULL of winter stuff!!  Oh my goodness I was excited~~

I want to thank City Church for caring about the quality of little kids lives!!

I can't wait to donate all this stuff!  I went home and looked at everything.  WOW!

13 pair of boots!  Man did I need these, I only had 3!!
2 snow pants
6 gloves
5 hats
9 scarves
a bunch of sweatshirts 
5 COZY coats!!

And some toothbrushes and toothpaste, a couple really cute cups and a very generous dollar!

I love being a part of something like this!  Thank you!

Also my wonderful neighbor dropped by with some gloves, and another teacher I love, Mrs Hazel gave me some gloves and some money for what I need!!
20 gloves and 9 hats!!

I have a LONG way to go so as always please share this with anyone you think might have coats and stuff lying around to donate, or are looking for a thanksgiving or christmas "project"  THANK YOU!!


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Please pass this along

I am SO grateful for the wonderful people who have donated to Simply 7!!

Every day I come home I am giddy ready to check my box and see if any more donations have come in.

Last week I had some wonderful people donate!

I had this great neighbor give two coats and some gloves and hats.

Another stranger left a bunch of coats!

My awesome teacher from last year, Ms. Potter gave a really cool boys "outfit"

Some people from church found a few coats and hats.

And yet another neighbor left a bunch of gloves.

BUT I have SO much still needed to come in!!  PLEASE help me find people to help reach my goal.  The coats and boots DO NOT have to be new.  Just not gross!  Anything is SO appreciated and really helps!


You also may donate at the bottom of this page and I can buy the stuff from second hand stores.

Please think about the little kids, maybe the age of one of yours, and think of them this winter, cold and not understanding why they can't have a coat to keep them warm.

I can GIVE them that!

Please help me.

And THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH to all my wonderful friends who have donated!!

So far I have
9 boys coats
5 girls coats
28 gloves
3 pair boots
4 girls hats
7 boys hats

Thank you for your help!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Simply 7 NEW GOAL


I am back, it has been a while, my mom had a baby and wasn't able to help me for a while, and I haven't learned to type very well yet so I wasn't able to update anything.

But I wanted to tell you all about a new goal I have.

It all started when this really super nice man, Mr Jim wanted to donate some toys.  He had done this before and had given some REALLY neat stuff for kids.  Cups, dolls and such.  Well he had teddy bears and necklaces for me.  That is what got me going.  I was so excited by this I wanted to do something bigger this time.

That is when I came up with Winter Warm Bags.

By NOVEMBER 28 I want to have enough items to make 100 bags!!  Each bag will have


So I really need 100 of each of those!!  They can be gentelly used or new.  Or you can donate with the button at the bottom of this page and I will go to second hand stores and buy what I need.

These items are in addition to what I always put in the bag, which is socks, a snack, kids toothpaste, kids toothbrush, kids shampoo. So while the main needs I am asking for is the winter items, if you have any snacks or shampoo or kids toothpaste, I could use that as well.

PLEASE consider donating winter items for these bags, I would really like to hand them out before the weather gets really cold.

I got my first donation yesterday and I about jumped out of my skin!!  I was SOOOOOO excited!!  It was a really generous donation of a girls set of each and a boys set.


I KNOW I can do this with your help!!

And THANK YOU to whoever put the donations on my doorstep!!

Keep checking here because  I will update you on my progress.


Sunday, October 12, 2014

New goal

This is mom writing.

Alia just got (5 months ago) a new baby brother so I haven't been able to help her keep this blog updated

However with a lot of begging from her I have promised to try she learns to type herself.

She has become quite passionate and has a new that seems lofty!

100 coats, hats, booth, and mittens to create winter warm bags!

She wants this by mid November to be able to pass em out before major snow flies...


Soooo please be sure to comment if you can help out! New or used is fine! Children's winter items.

PAY PAL will be up and running for only simply 7 donations on Wednesday...

Thanks for following the dreams to change the world by one ill girl!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

It's been a long time

I'm so sorry I haven't written ( mom speaking...I type for Alia and I am expecting our 4th among other things and have not gotten around to writing Even tho she's wanted to...)
Even though it's been a long time, I've been doing lots of things. I have continued to hand out birthday bags. I even got a response from one of the moms of a boy who got my bag. I'll share that work you on the next few days:)

Over Christmas my great uncle john gave me a big donation in memory of my grandpa who just died.  

It came at a really good time, I'm going to start needing donations again.

I was super excited and it gave me a new excitement for pushing this even farther!!

Thanks for reading!! Let me know if you do, I love encouragement!
