I am back, it has been a while, my mom had a baby and wasn't able to help me for a while, and I haven't learned to type very well yet so I wasn't able to update anything.
But I wanted to tell you all about a new goal I have.
It all started when this really super nice man, Mr Jim wanted to donate some toys. He had done this before and had given some REALLY neat stuff for kids. Cups, dolls and such. Well he had teddy bears and necklaces for me. That is what got me going. I was so excited by this I wanted to do something bigger this time.
That is when I came up with Winter Warm Bags.
By NOVEMBER 28 I want to have enough items to make 100 bags!! Each bag will have
So I really need 100 of each of those!! They can be gentelly used or new. Or you can donate with the button at the bottom of this page and I will go to second hand stores and buy what I need.
These items are in addition to what I always put in the bag, which is socks, a snack, kids toothpaste, kids toothbrush, kids shampoo. So while the main needs I am asking for is the winter items, if you have any snacks or shampoo or kids toothpaste, I could use that as well.
PLEASE consider donating winter items for these bags, I would really like to hand them out before the weather gets really cold.
I got my first donation yesterday and I about jumped out of my skin!! I was SOOOOOO excited!! It was a really generous donation of a girls set of each and a boys set.
I KNOW I can do this with your help!!

And THANK YOU to whoever put the donations on my doorstep!!
Keep checking here because I will update you on my progress.