Here is all you have to do to make a little kid who REALLY needs a smile happy!
Take a ziplock bag, fill one (or more) with

*Kids Toothpaste
*Kids toothbrush
*snack like trail mix with m&m's something kids love
*a small toy, like from the dollar store or stickers or something
*kids pair of socks
Then make a card with the simply seven mark...this one, you can just save it and print it on paper or shipping stickers
The reason you need to make sure the things are kid, like the shampoo and toothpaste is because then they really will know they are special and this was made JUST for THEM.
Thats IT. YOU WILL MAKE THEM SMILE. I promise you. It is that easy to make sure they have a happy birthday!
THEN if you take pictures of you doing this and send them to my emmail
I will put them here and I will write all about the way you helped and show your pictures! When someone sees that someone else did it too maybe EVEN MORE people will want to help.
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